reset state

英 [ˌriːˈset steɪt] 美 [ˌriːˈset steɪt]

网络  重置状态; 复位状态



  1. You probably don't ever need to use this, since users never reset forms to their original state.
  2. Possibly the most generally useful involve the reset() method, which has been added to both DocumentBuilder and SAXParser to permit these objects to be returned to their default state.
  3. With Visual Studio, you can reset everything to the factory state by typing devenv/ setup at the command prompt.
  4. When the waiting thread is released, the state is reset to non-signaled state.
  5. You can now use the administration tool of your choice to update the GET and PUT status of the queue without any danger that the script will reset them back to their initial state.
  6. In Windows, ResetEvent() is used to reset the state of the event object to a non-signaled state.
  7. BIO_reset closes the connection and resets the internal state of the BIO object so that the connection can be reused.
  8. In the manual reset event, the state of the object remains signaled until explicitly reset using the ResetEvent() function.
  9. If the reverse operation is needed, then the block must be erased ( to reset all bits to the one state).
  10. If we had to reset a database to a known state before each unit test, the tests would be quite complex and certainly would run slower than we desire.
  11. In the auto reset event, the state of the object remains signaled until a single waiting thread is released.
  12. 'You move less, you're harder to awaken, you sleep more intensely.' Eventually the body will reset itself to a healthy state of normal sleep patterns, in what is called the homeostatic response.
  13. Method to reset the state of the certificate.
  14. For example, a thread might be interrupted while manipulating some cross-thread data and might not have an opportunity to reset everything to a valid state.
  15. In electronics, a circuit that maintains an assumed position or condition until it is reset to its former state by external means.
  16. A facility of the session service which allows presentation entities to define and identify synchronization points and to reset a session connection to a predefined state and to agree on a resynchronization point.
  17. This method can be used to reset the state of the certificate.
  18. If the clone reaches maturity and reproduces naturally, epigenetic changes will often be reset, returning the sperm and egg nuclei to a state in which they can differentiate into all types of tissue.
  19. An attempt was made to reset personalization data when the current user is not authorized to modify personalization state.
  20. Select the picture that you want to reset to its original state.
  21. So, introducing into foreign capital, conducting assets reset have become the effective methods to activate the state owned large and middle scale enterprises existing assets.
  22. There have analyzed the TCP message format, TCP link, link to terminate, link to reset and TCP state machine;
  23. Partial reset flip flop selection according to a circuit state information based measure and conflict analysis can break critical cycles of the circuit, make the circuit easy to initialize, and reduce potential conflicts in sequential ATPG.
  24. Based on flip flop ′ s property, the set and reset functions can be acquired directly from the circuit ′ s state transition diagram, so the excitation equations of FF are defined.
  25. The values of patriarchal order affected the drawing up and implement of modern Chinese constitution, and it had reset the state power of the imported constitution.
  26. DSP management, including reset start DSP, DSP running condition monitoring, according to the state of images detected control DSP image processing program.
  27. The realization of the reset process on the physical layer, CRC module and the state machine conversion process on the link layer, scrambling module are analyzed and illuminated.